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  • Midwifery and Maternity Care
    Midwifery Model and Scope Midwifery Philosophy of care Midwifery Standards of Practice Indications for Discussion, Consultation and Transfer of Care British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) Midwives Association of BC Canadian Association of Midwives Perinatal Services BC Types of Maternity Care Providers Midwifery Milestones 1994-2014 Video (Ontario Based)
  • Emotional and Mental Health
    Mental Health and Addictions Services North Island 250-331-8524, 941 England Avenue, Courtenay Anxiety Canada Anxiety and Parents (Both Mom and Dad) BC Reproductive Mental Health Pacific Postpartum Support Society 604-255-7999, (Toll Free) 855-255-7999 Postpartum Support International BC Suicide Crisis Line 1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-784-2433 BC Mental Health Support/Crisis Line: 310-6789 (no area code) (24/7) BC Crisis Lines Antidepressants, should I take them in pregnancy? Stress Busters for new moms Free Counselling for Birth Trauma at BC Women’s
  • Resources for Indigenous Families
    K’ómoks First Nation Wachiay Friendship Centre: many different services and supports for aboriginal people in the Comox Valley Hummingbirds Playgroup: drop in for parents and children 0-6yrs Upper Island Women of Native Ancestry North Island Métis Association Indigenous Women’s Sharing Society National Aboriginal Council of Midwives First Nations Health Authority Email Address: FNHA Prescription Drug Benefits First Nations Health Benefits (Plan W) List of over the counter items listed as benefits specific to Plan W: Pharmacist's Guide for RDP, LCD and Non Benefits Jordan’s Principle: ensuring that First Nations children can access services. Phone: 1-866-913-0033 Sasaman’s Society: “We are a free and voluntary service aimed at assisting Aboriginal families/Elders who may be potentially involved with the Ministry of whose children/grandchildren are in Ministry Care.” Legal Advice. Liaisons etc.
  • Pregnancy
    General Pregnancy SOGC General Pregnancy Info Discomforts of Pregnancy * (PDF TO COME) Dental Health Dentably: Dental Care and Pregnancy Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy Baby Kick Counting Sex and Pregnancy Tdap Vaccination in Pregnancy Influenza Vaccine Vaccinations in Pregnancy - Travel in Pregnancy Travel Safety During Pregnancy Travel During Pregnancy, Government of Canada Travel During Pregnancy, Health Link BC - Nutrition and Herbs Healthy Eating: Canada’s Food Guide Healthy Bowl Healthy Plate Prenatal Nutrition Iron Iron Deficiency Anemia (AOM) Folic Acid and Spina Bifida Food Sources of Vitamin D and Calcium Fibre and Your Health Food Safety in Pregnancy Safe and Unsafe Herbs in Pregnancy - Aviva Romm MD Natural Remedies in Pregnancy - Aviva Romm MD - Exercise Exercise and Pregnancy Exercise in Pregnancy Health Link BC Exercises Pelvic Floor exercise (Kegals) Perineal Massage (PDF) Prenatal Yoga and Mom/Baby Yoga Courtenay Recreation: 250-338-5371 - Work and Pregnancy Working During Pregnancy BC Employment Standards EI and Parental Benefits - Tests Offered in Pregnancy Rh Testing Rh Sensitization Ultrasound SOGC/CAR Statement on Non-Medical Use of Ultrasound in Pregnancy Ultrasound Biological Effects and Safety Prenatal Genetic Testing Gestational Diabetes Screening Gestational Diabetes Group B Strep Group B Strep SOGC (PDF) Group B Strep AOM - more detailed - For Dads/Partners Becoming a Dad – 10 Tips for Birth So you are Going to be a Father/Parent (PDF) The Tough Times of Labour and How to Help –Penny Simpkin (PDF) ​- Medications and Other Exposures Mother to Baby: Medications and Exposures Medications and Exposures Antidepressants, should I take them in pregnancy? Smoking and Pregnancy Quit Smoking Alcohol and Drug Use in Pregnancy Marijuana and Pregnancy - Breech Position Babies Best Birth Clinic If your Baby is Breech Turning a Breech Baby (External Cephalic Version) - Birth Preparation Spinning Babies: fetal positioning What to Pack for the Hospital Sibling Prep Perineal Massage (PDF) - Special Situations Pregnancy after your due date (AOM) Management of pregnancy between 41-42wks SOGC (PDF) Pregnancy Beyond 40 years old (AOM) Obesity and Pregnancy Rapid Birth at Home – How to Catch a Baby (PDF) Deciding how to Give Birth After a Caesarean Section (AOM) High Blood Pressure and Pregnancy (AOM) - Pregnancy Options Choices Adoption and Pregnancy Counselling Text 250-213-7718 or call 1-866-533-9811 Options for Sexual Health 1-800-739-7367 - Pregnancy Loss/Grief BC Women’s Hospital Loss Resources Mothering Your Heart Facebook Group Grace Baby Loss Support Group Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Free Remembrance Photography for those suffering loss of a baby - Prenatal Classes Public Health Free Prenatal Classes Holliday Tyson Free YouTube Prenatal Classes Healthy Birth Choices E-Classes Hypnobirthing In Bloom Childbirth Education Lamaze Penny Simpkon YouTube Channel - Doulas Comox Valley Doulas Funded Doulas for Aboriginal Families DONA Doula Services Association - Community Supports Public Health 250-331-8520 Right from the Start Program – public health resources and connection through pregnancy, birth and postpartum Healthy Babies Group for Pregnant Women and Moms with Babies up to 6 months 250-871-7577 or 250-871-7575 Comox Valley Family Services Transition House for Women: Lilli House 250-338-1227 Ministry of Children and Family Development 250-334-5820 BC Counsellors - Allied Health Practitioners Amy Kelly –counselling Jennifer Mansell – counselling Shannon Lawrence - Comox Physiotherapy – pelvic floor, diastasis recti etc Lindsay Ishoy - Cumberland Physio and Yoga Debbie Wright and Alicia Steele – chiropractic care at The Grove Health and Wellness Marnie Grant - Courtenay Family Chiropractic Michelle Hughes - acupuncture Lisa Lundy – acupuncture Sarah Clement - Vancouver Island Osteopathy - craniosacral/tongue tie revision/breastfeeding problems Maneesha Madan – craniosacral therapy for babies Kirsten Werner – massage therapy Clare Blanchflower – maya massage - Maternity and Baby Clothing Podlings 420 Fitzgerald Ave, Courtenay, 250-334-3483 Kradles 226 5th Street, Courtenay 250-703-9516 or 102-382 Lerwick Road 250-871-4424 Planet Kids 1743 Comox Ave, Comox 250-339-3422 Value Village 350 Old Island Hwy, Courtenay, 250-334-3085
  • Birth
    Homebirth BCCNM Place of Birth Handbook Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Statement on Planned Home Birth (PDF) Rapid Birth at Home - How to Catch a Baby (PDF) Homebirth Supply List (PDF) - Waterbirth BCCNM – Guidelines for Use of Water in Labour and Birth Waterbirth International Birth Pool Rental Options in the Comox Valley Birth Supplies Canada - Birth Options Childbirth Connection Optimal Birth BC Home or Hospital, Holding the Space for Human Birth Vaginal Birth Simulation Video Types of Births: Vaginal, Assisted, Caesarean Vaginal Birth and C-Section Comparison - VBAC Power to Push: knowing your Birth Options Thinking About VBAC: What’s Right For Me VBAC Power To Push - Elective C-Section Elective Caesarean C-Section Simulation Video - Skin to Skin Skin to Skin Contact Importance of Skin to Skin Effect of Skin to Skin
  • Postpartum
    What to Expect in the First Few Days Postpartum (PDF) Postpartum overview Caring for Yourself After Birth Public Health Comox Physiotherapy (pelvic floor, abdominal separation etc) 250-339-6221 Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression Sex After Birth Birth Control/Contraception Life after Postpartum Hemorrhage
  • Breastfeeding
    Breast/Chestfeeding Help Public Health Breastfeeding Drop-in 250-331-8520 Local Lactation Consultant: Carol Venters, RN, 250-897-0849 Comox Valley La Leche League - General Breast/Chestfeeding International Breastfeeding Centre (Dr Jack Newman) Videos, info sheets Helpful Breastfeeding Videos Breastfeeding, Starting out Right Follow Me Mom Video Breastfeeding a Newborn Biological/Natural/Laid Back Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Multiples Pumping/Expressing Milk Hand Expression Video Breastfeeding and drinking alcohol Breastfeeding and Medications Breastfeeding and Medications SOGC - Breast/Chestfeeding Problems Sore Nipples Engorgement Blocked Ducts and Mastitis Yeast/Thrush/Candida Protocol Illness in Breastfeeding Parent or Baby Tongue Tie - Breastmilk Collection and Storage Health Link BC Breastmilk Storage Kelly Mom Hands on Pumping Technique Pumping/Expressing Milk Hand Expression Video - Milk Banks BC Women’s Milk Bank
  • Parenting Resources and Local Groups
    Valley Child – Local Guide to Events and Services for Parents with Children 0-6yrs, Resources, Supports, Playgroups etc Calendar of all Groups in the Valley Local Comox Valley Groups for New and Expecting Parents Baby Talk - Drop in group 0-6mo at the Lewis Centre Mamacentric – parent/baby/toddler group at Cumberland Community School Healthy Families Program: resources for parents with children 0-6yrs, Playgroups, Parenting Programs etc. 250-338-7575 Child Development Association Infant Development Program Vancouver Island Multiple Births Association Comox Valley Twins and Multiples Facebook Group Twins and Multiples Preterm Baby Group 8-1-1: Free BC phone line for health advice Kelly Mom Dr Sears
  • Life with Baby
    Newborn Normal Newborn Behaviour Caring for your New Baby (PDF) Caring For Kids: Canadian Paediatric Society Resources Baby Skin Conditions Gallery Period of Purple Crying Crying and Colic Colic and Probiotics Babywearing International Strollers, Baby Carriers and Infant Stress Milestones Welcoming a Baby with Down Syndrome Preventing Flat Heads Positional Plagiocephay (Flat Heads) - Sleep Healthlink BC Safe Sleep BC Safer Sleep/Co-sleeping safely Safe Bedsharing Baby Sleep Info Source The 5 S’s for Soothing Baby Hip Healthy Swaddling Sleep related infant death - Feeding (Also see Breastfeeding Section) Infant Feeding Breastfeeding - Healthlink BC Safe Use and Storage of Formula -Healthlink BC Baby’s First Foods Starting Solids - Tongue and Lip Tie Tongue Tie Tongue Tie Identification Tongue Tie, From Confusion to Clarity Frenotomy Instructional Breastfeeding Video about Tongue Tie Dr James Chen: Downstream Dental Laser tongue tie and lip tie treatment in Courtenay Dr Jimmy Chan: North Vancouver Laser tongue tie and lip tie treatment - Newborn Medications and Tests Newborn screening Erythromycin Eye Ointment Canadian Paediatric Society Preventing Eye Infection from Gonorrhea Vitamin K Vitamin D Supplementation Canadian Paediatric Society Vitamin K Immunizations – Caring for Kids Immunize BC Comox Valley Public Health Immunizations 250-331-8520 Newborn Healthcare - O Mama Newborn Phototherapy for Jaundice Treatment - Circumcision Care of uncircumcised penis Caring For Kids: Circumcision of Baby Boys Canadian Paediatric Society Newborn Male Circumcision Circumcision Circumcision, an Elephant in the Hospital: history, literature
  • Find a Family Doctor
    Find a Doctor in the Comox Valley BC College of Family Physicians <iframe class="s_DtaksTPAWidgetSkiniframe" style="display:none;position:absolute;z-index:"></iframe>

If you have any questions please contact us.

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